
That's what I thought too, then I thought the same thing when they showed the photo of the rapist. Tall, very dark hair. Of course, Louis C.K.'s dad is Mexican and Louis is who he is, so who knows what DNA can do.

A little over 2 million people watched the premiere. NBC really does a disservice to this show. The only episodes that were available "On Demand" were the last three of season 2. I know there are other ways for people to find it, but the "average TV viewer" isn't going to spend too much time looking for it.

Louie got Jammed!

They have been together two weeks if we are to believe Carol's timeline. Is she really supposed to spell it out for him in that situation? I never bought she would have done any of it in the first place, but whatever, it's just a silly TV show.

What else would a person do in their situation? As if any of these people would be together had the rest of the world survived the virus. One thing I would never lie about is loving someone.

So, a woman should just lie about loving a man she doesn't love? Nope. No way. I don't know why she hates Phil so much either, but that doesn't mean she should lie to Todd.
If these people think Phil is so awful why don't they just move along? He was the first one there, they can leave anytime they want to.

I hope Phil splinters off. I can't stand any of the characters (I think Carol is the worst). As unrealistic as it is I'd rather watch Forte goof off on his own than interact with all these people. He should take his cow and move on.

I know people who have nannies during the day and when they need a sitter at night, they have someone else. It's not that uncommon. I just don't believe someone like Joan would still be living with her mother at almost 40 years old. I have children and would never want a mother like Joan's taking care of them, I'd

I missed the line about her mother being on vacation. But, I disagree about needing her mother to take care of Kevin. When she first had him it was a temporary thing. She could afford to hire a permanent nanny who doesn't live there.

Right, she told Richard she lives with her mom. Why wouldn't her mom have been there in the evening when she called to see if the sitter could stay later, and why wouldn't she have been there early in the morning when Joan was waiting for the sitter to leave for work. It makes no sense to me.

I think in the first season she mentions to someone that she had been married before, but it didn't last because he was a bum.

I know I'm being nit picky, but WHY does Joan need a babysitter if she still lives with her mother? And, why does she still live with her mother? She's a shareholder, and made quite a lot of money when McCann bought S,C & P. Also, I think Greenwood's character is too old for her. She can do better.

Well, I can accept the fact that as the seasons roll along people have less time to do them, but an official release of the seasons would be nice! I mean some of the reviews state that many of the dvds won't play on some dvd players. Parker Posey! I want those episodes, Netflix may not always be able to stream them.

Does anybody know why seasons 3 & 4 are only available as "Made on Demand"? It infuriates me that we don't get official releases for any season past 2. I really love his commentaries on the first 2 seasons. I am baffled as to why there haven't been any other official releases. Also, I love watching him prepare food.

I live in Minnesota, Hamm's is still sold everywhere, so is Old Style.

"Why would anybody ever eat anything besides breakfast food?"- Leslie Knope

Will Ferrell ruined Steve Carell's exit from "The Office." I fast forward through most of his scenes. I couldn't stand him on SNL and I can't stand him now (I did like "Stranger Than Fiction" though).

Ah, Freeman got to solve the chicken/fox riddle twice now! Season 1, ep. 4 of "The Office" and again tonight. Awesome!

Nobody on TV can do what Louis CK is being allowed to do this season. WOW. Where the hell is season 3? Why hasn't it been released yet????

I don't care for "Discotheque" but, "Achtung Baby" is a masterpiece. I wouldn't call it a "light/party" album at all.