Does anyone else remember he's Tom Hanks's BEST FRIEND in You've Got Mail? If you told Tom he was in a movie with Dave Chappelle he'd probably think he was Bubba Gump.
Does anyone else remember he's Tom Hanks's BEST FRIEND in You've Got Mail? If you told Tom he was in a movie with Dave Chappelle he'd probably think he was Bubba Gump.
I remember seeing a video on youtube where Tarentino talks about the film and the Wong Kar Wai's work in general. It's worth a look if you're a fan
I'd personally like to see Scorcese or Tarantino take a crack at this series.
By professional i meant paid. As in, I consider myself a professional dishwasher…
I miss the days when there was only 1 Jungle Book movie i didn't want to see.
The internet has pretty much killed professional criticism in general.
I for one welcome our new yellow overlords.
Can't wait to see "Juggling with Kris Kristofferson"