January Jones in X-Men:First Class.
January Jones in X-Men:First Class.
Tommy Lee Jones is the only reason why I like a Steven Seagal movie. I stumbled on "Under Siege" by accident. I enjoyed it very much.
I don't have a specific movie, but Joan Cusack is good in anything. I even watched "Raising Helen" because of her.
Jason looks a lot better without a shirt than Alcide. It was nice to see the same convenience store clerk working.
I would like to see them as a disapproving tag-team in a movie. I believe they could win the intercontinental belt.
Wouldn't it be great if Pee-Wee Herman played Warlow?
Don't let Rikki babysit your kid. Alcide is wishing he had Debbie back.
I hope those plates wasn't Gran's plates.
I believe they are siblings. I remember in the 1st season when Jason took a piece of Sookie's bacon. Sookie giving him that look. It's little things like that helps the show. The little moments make me believe their characters.
Bill smelled the fae smell on the stuffed dog the girl was holding. The dog was in the passenger seat of Andy's patrol car.
I liked seeing Jason and Sookie having their sibling moments again.
"I don't understand…" Yeah, I don't understand either why they just can't kill him off.
Ginger had every right to be angry. Eric shows up to your house and no sexy time and he brought his friends. Poor Ginger…
I was partial to Citizens on Patrol.
So many great lines to quote and Phil Hartman as Vicki.
I know I'm late to the discussion. I had to mute the tv when Bob was setting up Pete to fail. I also put my hands over my face, but I peeked thru my fingers. When Don had his Hershey meltdown, I got off the couch and went in another room. Then I would peek around the corner at the tv wondering if it was over yet. I…
Is Warlow being played by Rob Zombie or The Undertaker?
Eric always seems save the day or should I say night. Skarsgard plays his character very well. Jessica praying reminded me of Jessica when she was a brand new vamp. I always like it when Jason tries his best, but fails. His heart is in the right place, but he always screws it up.
Arlene should get Employee of the Month for several months now.
Van Morrison's "Into the Mystic" was the one I would pick.