
ARE YOU KIDDING ME?! This is Arrow all over again. I'm completely in love with this show. It's amazing how they pull off creating such stupidly crazy characters and plot twists and yet I buy it all and totally get affected by the events. That was such a gut-wrenching feeling when Wells killed Cisco. And the surprise

Haha, this is only the second time someone has made that reference (I don't post that often), but it really is the perfect response if anyone disagrees with me.

The song is catchy and her voice is pleasant. (sorry not sorry)

I'm finally watching this show again. And boy, has it been fun! This episode had everything I could have ask for. Cold and Heatwave really brought it, and they're the perfect example of what a good villain is on a super hero show: they're more than just snarls and intimidation, they have actual fun lines and make

I had pretty low expectations but I was pleasantly surprised! Lily James was particularly charming and impressive, and visually it was such a joyous escape from reality. What kind of people don't need a little innocent charm and magic in their lives? Besides, I think the moral and the content was there, as well. My

I'm re-watching the final season of Lost. I'm eternally grateful for that show, I can't imagine that any show could ever offer a wilder, more touching, more suspenseful adventure. And it's so clever and amusing as well!

Such a fun episode! It was kind of perfect in my eyes. I'm still sad over Jess and Nick's break-up, but May and Coach are really filling the cute couple quota. But now I hear that Wayans is leaving the show? What?! That's just cruel.

I really would have liked to have seen the person's face when he/she found those two pictures. I bet it was a beautiful moment.

Oh brother, did Dennis Perkins and I diasagree. This was probably my favorite episode of the season! Each sketch was delightful and amusing in a light-hearted way, and I think Hemsworth made the most of the material he had. I especially liked his dedication in the chicken sketch. I like how he improvised and was in

I could spend the rest of my life trying to find something similar to Lost, but I wouldn't find a thing. I've been re-watching the series and it's just so painfully good. It's too much. And I'm so thankful for the fact that I have the worst memory ever when it comes to TV shows that I can actually re-watch these

I just re-watched this episode and felt compelled to read a review on it. The episode was majestic and beautiful and Nestor Carbonell's acting was superb. I just feel so overwhelmingly grateful for this show that it kinda makes my soul weep. Nothing will ever compare. The fact that they can make me ignore the fact

Could very well be, but personally I like the idea that she's trying to make a statement and that it was more of a creative decision. Not all pop songs can be this effective when it's just the singer and the vocals and the lyrics, since usually it's the image that is selling the product.

I really enjoyed the episode. Kevin Hart had one of my favorite monologues in a while because it totally fulfilled its purpose: it made me laugh (Man I loved it when he impersonated the raccoon) and showcased his talent and energy, making me really excited to see what the rest of the episode was gonna be like.

The episode left me feeling annoyed (I just find the porn star sketch too disgusting), but it had a few really funny bits.

I loved it! It seemed liked the show had so much energy this week. I can't believe how little effort they put into the monologue, but other than that I don't think there was a sketch I didn't like.

It made me smile. Cecily has a great singing voice, Edward Norton is wonderful (I didn't really have an opinion on him until I saw him host SNL last year or whenever it was, and then I became a fan), and the jokes were amusing and had at least some commentary on our current culture.

Yeah, I hear you. Having good looks is definitely a fundamental part of it all and it's worth criticizing. I just don't think the market will ever drastically change, so it's something we have to live with…

High-five right back!

If disregarding boy bands as worthless and their consumers as vain seems like the absolute truth to you, I guess that's fine. But I can sincerely say that when I go on Youtube and listen to You and I by One Direction I don't even watch the music video, I just listen to the song and I like it.

Hey now. I still listen to Backstreet Boys every now and again and it's all because of their music (ok, and maybe the memories). One Direction is good too. I still enjoy music by Arvo Pärt and Anathema, as well. It's 2014, I feel like we should be able to come to terms with the fact that some people genuinely enjoy