Radical Rick

Kept it centered around Russell, Carpenter, and Cattrall. Also, most of our friends are not geeks so the minutia of shit I know I keep out of the questions. But, for the sake of argument, here they are:
What pop icon did Russell portray in Carpenter's made for tv movie?
What word would you describe Kim Cattrall'

Send him to Detroit!

Send him to Detroit!

Nope, a former co-worker of my wife, who was a total alpha male cowboy type, went to the movie in full cowboy regala, including a big ass belt buckle, hat, boots, the whole thing. I can only imagine he walked out about the time Heath spit into his hand, you know the scene.

Nope, a former co-worker of my wife, who was a total alpha male cowboy type, went to the movie in full cowboy regala, including a big ass belt buckle, hat, boots, the whole thing. I can only imagine he walked out about the time Heath spit into his hand, you know the scene.

Check out the documentary Straght no Chaser about Thelonious Monk, he say the whole, "Flip ya for real" line.

Check out the documentary Straght no Chaser about Thelonious Monk, he say the whole, "Flip ya for real" line.

Held our monthly movie night in which we screened Big Trouble in Little China. Prizes won from our trivia included a Big Trouble in Little China shirt, a Starlog magazine featuring Robocop on the cover, and a mirror featuring Rambo on it. Trailers shown included Karate Kid 3, Rambo 3, Rocky 3, Friday the 13th part 3,

Held our monthly movie night in which we screened Big Trouble in Little China. Prizes won from our trivia included a Big Trouble in Little China shirt, a Starlog magazine featuring Robocop on the cover, and a mirror featuring Rambo on it. Trailers shown included Karate Kid 3, Rambo 3, Rocky 3, Friday the 13th part 3,

It didn't count, I still had my finger on the previous page!!!!!

It didn't count, I still had my finger on the previous page!!!!!

Beta Butt Boy!

Beta Butt Boy!

Neptune, King of the Sea!

Neptune, King of the Sea!

Hollywood reboots, thrill me

Hollywood reboots, thrill me

Both of my arms are sleeved and in the middle of summer when its 100 degrees out and I am wearing long sleeve dress shirts I often lament on the stupidity of my 20's.

Uncle Robert?

Uncle Robert?