Radical Rick

I would love to see another season with the California Bulls!

I would love to see another season with the California Bulls!

Forget about it Prince, its the AVClub

Forget about it Prince, its the AVClub

Death match? Also, you can't use Oddjob.

Death match? Also, you can't use Oddjob.

Robin William's knuckles

Robin William's knuckles

The live album he put out on Impulse is so freagin' good.

The live album he put out on Impulse is so freagin' good.

I heard "Touch me I'm Dick" hit number 1 over there.

I heard "Touch me I'm Dick" hit number 1 over there.

*Cue Queen soundtrack*

*Cue Queen soundtrack*

Don't forget to try and read/hear that through his raspy ass voice too!

Don't forget to try and read/hear that through his raspy ass voice too!

I believe the exact phrase is on a Hawkman rocket cycle, God I love that movie.

I believe the exact phrase is on a Hawkman rocket cycle, God I love that movie.

4 pages in and I haven't seen it yet, how everyone in The Walking Dead are fantastic shots. Seriously, it took me out of the the season 2 finale like crazy.

4 pages in and I haven't seen it yet, how everyone in The Walking Dead are fantastic shots. Seriously, it took me out of the the season 2 finale like crazy.