Wee Willie Style

You with your hints.

It feels like a cheap ploy to get us to keep coming back to sit througn half-assed episodes like this one.

I don't mind when a show uses a cliffhanger to keep me coming back every week. But Glenn's fate is starting to feel like the fireworks factory we were promised and Abraham and Sasha's business in the office is like having two Poochies.

Bo and Luke Duke like to race around Star Wars county in the ol' Genereal Leia.

Anyone know if there are subways on this? In NV, I missed spending lots of time underground, creeping down creepy-ass tunnels with some godawful foe lurking around.

That would take me years.

Yeah, the flow of the sketch show format might not be as affected. My worry is they let sketches stick around too long, but then again, I doubt Bob Odenkirk would let that happen.

There's something to be said for having the limitation of a time-constraint. You can't tack on a few extra syllables and still call something a Haiku.

Fallout 3 is my favorite media of this young new century. Very excited to play this one.

I would argue that the lack of time limits on episodes hurt the latest season of Arrested Development. Many of the eps overstayed their welcome. I hope the same fat doesn`t befall this project. However, I can`t wait to see this show and frankly, four episodes is not nearly enough!

Ha HA he's old! (I hate coming here)

You people wonder why Canadians hate Americans so much.

For clip shows, they credit whoever was originally credited with whatever episode clips they use.

Writers get a salary for being in the room and then paid fees for writing individual credited episodes. Sometimes you will be assigned an episode that's heavily re-written by the room so that although you are credited as the writer, little of your actual work remains.


TV production in Toronto (even when it's American shows) tend to be run by line producer/production manger non-creative types who are great at gettin' 'er done on budget, with little thought to doing it right.

How is this different from the movie that came out?

Saw this opening day. Despite it`s flaws, I enjoyed the hell out of it. No one can direct action like James Cameron, and the reviewer is right that there`s a weightlessness to the action scenes, but it`s a fun ride this one. It`s much better than 3 and Salvation.

I have a friend who went to a Freudian, who basically validated all of his terrible behavior. "Oh, you take drugs all the time to self-medicate against your fear of death". "Oh, you lash out and throw things at your wife because you're lashing out at your father's alcoholism". My friend took all of this as legit

It's that you feel seeking help will be futile because no will understand your problem and will probably make fun of you for having it. It's very isolating. Hellishly so.