Wee Willie Style

You just blew what was left of my mind.

I hope the opening credits have the Blossom Dearie version of Rhode Island is Famous For You playing underneath.

That picture of him with the skateboard shows how out of touch today's Hollywood producers are. That might fly in 1992, bit this is 2014. Todays kids are into that Curt Kobain and Grunge stuff, not "Hangin' Tens" on their skateboards.

I like Phil Collins. Grew up in the 80's, watched Miami Vice, I associate "In The Air Tonight" with all that was 80's cool. He lost me around "Another Day in Paradise", but his stuff with Genesis alone earns him a free pass for me.

When I hate a song, I don't listen to it. If I'm in a place where I can't avoid listening to it, I grow the fuck up and endure until it's over.

I find the whole discussion of what's "authentic" in music silly. It all boils down to judging people based on their consumer choices. As if the act of buying a CD out of the drummers trunk outside a gig is somehow more "pure" than buying it online. Or liking a new indie band over an established band with a record

I don't understand people who have strong opinions about what other people like or dislike. It's pop music. It means next to nothing.

I don't like music. Never have.

They all grow up to join the Republican party.

But those are the parts I masturbate to!

Just once I'd like to see a plane crash scene that doesn't have someone in their seat go spinning helplessly out of a hole in the plane.

The film you're describing isn't "great.". It's merely "pretty okay"

Not if it's a biiiiiiiig library!

Lucky Numbers to me was a very funny script totally ruined by poor directorial choices.

You're absolutely right.

I've just started watching this series. Caught all of season one and am halfway through Asylum. It's a real mish-mash mess of a show, but endlessly entertaining.

Remember when movies that examined the existence of God were made by directors like Fellini or Bergman and carried a lot of philosophical heft? Now they feature Hercules as a mean professor.

I've worked in Christian film, and the impression I got is the people on top are pretty much just in it for the money. They keep the budgets really low, lowball everyone from above-the-line to set security, and don't roll camera until they've pre-sold themselves into the black.

God's Not Dead is like Ingmar Bergman for retards.

Because it's a terrible Michael Mann ripoff with a deeply unsympathetic main character.