Wee Willie Style

You drop what you're doing right now Sentient Beard and go watch Wrath of Khan.  You will thank me. That, or be all 'meh', it's up to you.

He didn't know Jesse would be there.

You just blew my mind.

I liked Walter a hell of a lot when he finally admitted that he didn't do everything for his family. That he did it for himself. For once he lived life completely on his own terms and throughout the series you could sense the glee inside him every time he went deeper and deeper into being Heisenberg. Even if one has a

Dan's last sentence there to the guy who's scared of abortions is liberal bullshit at it's finest. I'm pro-choice, but I hate that kind of rhetorical whitewashing.

Wasn't there a Woody Allen movie called "Hot Scoop?" because there should have been.

The dumb girl from my film class who thought she was smart: "Um, this is called Film School and the article is about a TV show. Duh! Everyone knows TV's are not movies!"

Aren't foodstamps and welfare there to help people out?

I never liked Shepherd's plays. To me they're always a couple guys in flannel shirts with the sleeves rolled up talking about the past. Just talk, talk, talk.

A DVD player might do it.

At least it'll make room for Ted Wass to make the onscreen comeback he so richly deserves.

IF Scorsese gets involved, he probably gives notes on scripts and on rough cuts. I seriously doubt he bothers going to the floor to see what's up.

Um, I guess you people haven't heard of a little movie called Hide and Seek?

I've been drawn into the Casino/Goodfellas argument numerous time. I usually argue on the Goodfellas side because it's a better-directed film in my opinion. But then I realized I like both movies a lot and comparing them is kind of boring and stupid….Now go get your fuckin' shine box!

I remember reading about the writer of this movie doing some kind of manifesto where he was only going to write passion projects or something just before this came out.

Superman Begins…Being Shitty.

Phillip Glass on the radio in the middle of sex in your college dorm really kills the mood.

So they're shooting on film with mostly practical effects?

They gotta work. There's no shame in taking a job… especially in show business.

Wouldn't it be funny if like, five guys raped this comment?