
That is some bullshit….
I don't know how they run things in Boston (apparently not well), but I would expect that type of shit in Phoenix where the attention-whore prick sheriff has a reality show on Fox Reality Channel pulling stunts like this….(incidentally, the year I lived in Phoenix, I did not see any graffiti,

P.O.S. and Antony and the Johnsons? That just about covers the full spectrum right there…..

Aesop Rock, Sage and El-P make a ton of references….Some of my favorite El-P verses reference classic SNL sketches (Toonces the Cat, Unfrozen Caveman Lawyer), him and Aesop did a song called Delorean, built around Back to the Future references and if you watch Style Wars, and listen to some of the stuff from both of

Awesome movie…..
Chauncy Gardener! Good shit! And am I the first to notice (or third, or fifth, or twenty seventh…) that there are a lot of parallels between this flick and Edward Scissorhands?

Florida was a good album, really sounded nothing like his remixes or his work with M.I.A., it was more straightforward instrumental hip-hop. His Fabriclive mix was good too.

Pete Bjorn and John!
Damn! I've had that song stuck in my head for months and didn't know the title or artist, it was killing me! I think I saw in in a gum commercial or something….

If it's a cell phone number…..
Then the $400,100 will probably pay his monthly bill….When Mike Jones gave his real cell phone number out in a song, I think the bill that month was something in that range…


That would work, have the Stonesthrow roster and have some Dilla collaborators (Pharcyde, ATCQ, DeLaSoul, Common, Kweli, The Roots, Slum Village, Busta Rhymes, Badu), charge around $50 a ticket, film it and sell the DVDs. And sell the t-shirts at the show.

@ Oisin: That Rogen/Franco/McBride lineup would work with Craig Robinson as B.A. Baracus. Honestly, who could be mad at that?

you got five sports questions? what the hell? I only got one question about Lebron James….

Damn It!
That was hard! I wish I hadn't spent the last few years shunning pop culture and what not….It sure would have helped knowing which singer has the alias "Sasha Fierce"….

Wow, thanks for that head's up Andy Capp, best believe I jumped on that one immediately. I was gonna wait a couple weeks and try my chances scavenging through the remains of Circuit City hoping to score a deal, but that will do…..

Is Barbara Streisand even a real actress? I thought she was just an overrated singer with a cult following big enough to allow her to keep making a movie once in a while….and what the fuck? Streisand would be a great fit for a Disney style animated musical, too bad she burned that bridge…And I'm not a big Anime fan,

Loved Slumdog, and I see the City of God parallels, but nothing is touching City of God…That movie was awesome! It would be fun to see someone re-edit it so that the narrative is driven by a gameshow…..Maybe Price is Right?

In Bruges for best picture? Really? Maybe if the category was "best picture Colin Farrell has ever done"….but it was decent at best….

I was kind of rooting for the Gran Torino theme that Clint Eastwood sang during the closing credits….Springsteen's The Wrestler would've been good too. But yeah, lets give M.I.A. her Oscar….