jack rockatansky


I do, I guess its not a joke per se. I still laugh when he says yeah. There is a comedic element in that exchange

The concept and characters involved and having villians be protagonists, made me excited, reasonably i assumed.

Joker had some funny moments. My favorite being the gangster saying "you think you can just steal from us and get away with it?" And the joker nonchalently saying "yeah"

It may have already existed, but he arrived at it independently

American Psycho too

I actually was super excited until the trailer.

whats that you're speaking of?

And American Psycho where he gets chopped

Why not? He was perfect

Daniel Day-Lewis in a found footage horror movie would be interesting tho

Its coasting on a good premise

Nothing about it is good

It follows was awful, jesus

Fuck you money eh?

Throw cannoli have garrotings and put cotton balls in our mouths

Maybe they'll just pretend season 3 didn't happen and pick up from the end of season 2

I can't wait to throw bread and yell at the screen at a midnight Godfather showing!!!

Hopefully they treat this like Superman: Whatever happened to the man of tomorrow? And just treat everyone as expendable

They won't address it ever probably