jack rockatansky

I care deeply. My entire existence hinges on Pepe Silvia's thoughts.

What was said?

David Brent eh

Timothy Olyphant's wife

Very interesting, first time I saw him was in the debate . I didn't care for him that much. But his past sounds exciting and like he is a decent person and politician.

Can you give some examples of how they're alike? Positive and negative?

Fine, I'll do it

But, sides…

So much better than Review

How so? I was impressed with his questioning

Carson supporters are worse because, at least with trump he's entertaining and you can somehow make a case that he is a bit qualified by virtue of being a businessman who works internationally. Carson can cut into people. Thats it. Thats why people want him, it boggles my mind.

Is he very much like Carcetti from the wire?

You're my favorite Commenter sir.

I was very impressed with Webb, how does him killing a solider who was trying to kill him and his fellow soldiers make him seem bad or racist?

I think they tried to make Rye seem dim, but his response was very reasonable

That season's best actor was probably Odenkirk in the scene where Lester is telling bill that chazz killed his wife. Good acting all over

Has a goat. Got it

Im game

For now

What looks good about that?