Shomer? Who is this Shomer? My name is Guy Incognito.
Shomer? Who is this Shomer? My name is Guy Incognito.
Reposted Tennyson:
Reposted Ullyses:
Reposted Eddas:
Thor spake:
13. "Great trouble, methinks, | would it be to come to thee,
To wade the waters across, | and wet my middle;
Weakling, well shall I pay | thy mocking words,
if across the sound I come."
Reposted Eddas:
Reposted Eddas:
Reposted Eddas:
I can't believe what I'm herring.
Reposted Eddas:
Cram it with walnuts, ugly!
Reposted Eddas:
"The Poetic Edda belongs to a Norse poetic tradition in which metaphor, allegory and parable was essential. Not only would the entire poem, like a riddle, be referring to mythical events that explain the poetical riddle: Basic mythical characters, even places, would in themselves be presented in riddles."
Reposted Eddas:
Reposted Eddas:
Reposted Eddas:
Reposted Eddas:
Reposted Eddas: