
Paranormal Activity chick seems out of place

"Marnie, I think one of these paintings is up crooked."
"What makes you say that?"
"Because, I looked at it, and it is."

"YOU'RE ruining the speeches."
"You're a mean drunk."

Some one get that man an Emmy (nom at least).

Nothing like a nice holocaust joke!

"Yea, anyway cool, thanks a lot, and you know stay away from my man bitch."

Schmidt's line of the week:
"What are we at Santa's Family Reunion, because the Clauses are coming out"
I think I finally understand what the Tree of Life is about, and I can't be sure about this but, I'm almost positive Nadia's vagina contains a right angle."

I took getting the Eastbound notification, just for that shit movie as a real slap in the face.

"Get back here and get your fucking cats out of here!"

The Dean stuff and the tag were amazing

"I love you Dawson, you are everywhere and nowhere Dawson!"

I was thoroughly disappointed most of the way, but then boom "Piggy Bank" and "disarmed"

"It's just a mediocre sitcom."?

"Tight dick playa"

I thought this one was the worst of the first four episodes, maybe I need to give it a second watch through like the reviewer said though

If there are really hookers that look like Penny in Korea, I'll book my flight today

Is "Lets not do this, at least with our shirts on." more up your alley?

Schmidt's Line of the Week:
"I'm really sorry you had to find out this way, but can we just take a minute to celebrate me, Schmidt you really did it this time! I'm having Indian every night!"

Betty:"It's benign."

"I'm not having sex with you Bates."
"Gross honey why you gotta do that."
"Business be fuckin' crackin' yo"