Rocket Klinghoffer

Did the army guy say which CD he had?

Did the army guy say which CD he had?

Renner stabs some guy in the neck with brie.

Renner stabs some guy in the neck with brie.

I saw Ted on opening day and expected a whole bunch of noisy teens but they were all super well behaved and rapt.

I saw Ted on opening day and expected a whole bunch of noisy teens but they were all super well behaved and rapt.

But tuesday is a whole pound cheaper.

But tuesday is a whole pound cheaper.



Animal Practice - The Movie.

Animal Practice - The Movie.

Look, I saw that there were only a few comments on this article and I needed to get the fucking thing out of the door. Cut me some slack.

Look, I saw that there were only a few comments on this article and I needed to get the fucking thing out of the door. Cut me some slack.

I practice on animals all the time. The animal is your're moms.

I practice on animals all the time. The animal is your're moms.

My internet wish is for you to suck my balls.

My internet wish is for you to suck my balls.

What's up with the box in the corner of the screencap?

What's up with the box in the corner of the screencap?