Rocket Klinghoffer

Tommy Wiseau said that he and Lisa were pregnant.

That reminds me of the time my friend wrote "CUNT" over the picture of Adam Sandler that accompanied The Guardian's review of Punch Drunk Love. The problem was that it was the school's copy of the paper for the students to read and the librarian caught him in the act.

That reminds me of the time my friend wrote "CUNT" over the picture of Adam Sandler that accompanied The Guardian's review of Punch Drunk Love. The problem was that it was the school's copy of the paper for the students to read and the librarian caught him in the act.

If you dip the arrow in heroin then you can get him off the wagon again and he'll just solve himself.

Once again, I must apologize on behalf of Europe.

Once again, I must apologize on behalf of Europe.

My mom won't let me leave because she loves me so much. Shows what you know.

My mom won't let me leave because she loves me so much. Shows what you know.

I'll remember him for all those haircuts he did :(

I'll remember him for all those haircuts he did :(

BB is realistic until it isn't.

BB is realistic until it isn't.

I liked how mundane and bland it was, considering all the crazy stuff these guys see all the time.

I liked how mundane and bland it was, considering all the crazy stuff these guys see all the time.

In 2008?

In 2008?

She kinda looks she has to avoid getting hit with a frying pan in the face every morning and she loses slightly more than she wins.

She kinda looks she has to avoid getting hit with a frying pan in the face every morning and she loses slightly more than she wins.

Swiss Navy vibrators are where it's art. Us Continentals don't let you have them because you'll just put someone's eye out.

Swiss Navy vibrators are where it's art. Us Continentals don't let you have them because you'll just put someone's eye out.