Rocket Klinghoffer

I had a weird dream last night where TDKR was set in the 70/80s, and there was this entire subplot about gangsters living in their own idyllic tower block. The last shot of the movie was one of the wives disco dancing as aggressively as she could in order to bring on a miscarriage.

I had a weird dream last night where TDKR was set in the 70/80s, and there was this entire subplot about gangsters living in their own idyllic tower block. The last shot of the movie was one of the wives disco dancing as aggressively as she could in order to bring on a miscarriage.

Enough with FARTS 
It's time for SHARTS

Enough with FARTS 
It's time for SHARTS

He was fired and they forgot to tell him/it.

Wouldn't the globe-like bit slice up their faces like in that first Resident Evil movie?

Wouldn't the globe-like bit slice up their faces like in that first Resident Evil movie?

All of those ovens making bread at once, giving off all that radiation. The breadline has things that happen in it, that's all I'm saying.

All of those ovens making bread at once, giving off all that radiation. The breadline has things that happen in it, that's all I'm saying.

Pretty much. The numbers just kept getting bigger and then it turns out that they still aren't big enough. What a world. Now I must be getting back to my delousing.

Pretty much. The numbers just kept getting bigger and then it turns out that they still aren't big enough. What a world. Now I must be getting back to my delousing.

" it's not entirely unreasonable that the cast should ask for a much more balanced compensation "…The fuck?

" it's not entirely unreasonable that the cast should ask for a much more balanced compensation "…The fuck?

Now you know what it feels like in Take That's Great Britain.

Now you know what it feels like in Take That's Great Britain.

She's Tail that's old as time.

She's Tail that's old as time.

@avclub-32b63dd70d870580128d83e930199e1c:disqus These days, Sporty Spice is the most attractive one.

@avclub-32b63dd70d870580128d83e930199e1c:disqus These days, Sporty Spice is the most attractive one.

I'm pretty sure that 1999 - 2002 is the absolute pits for rock & pop music.