
Lawrence, KS best pizza was Pizza Shuttle. Or maybe just the cheapest. Either way, holy fuck did I devour a lot of that in my youth.

November 9, 1993 all over again!!!

Excuse me…. It was a woot canow

How about "The Fap App" that works with iwatches. It can track your SPM's (strokes per minute) and perhaps even challenges to unlock new features……

I'm really hoping they do "You Fail Me" in its entirety soon. "The Saddest Day" got me interested, "Jane Doe" made me a fan, "You Fail Me" made me a die-hard!!

We need a video for this song so that part can be gif'd and looped

Me and Mike, we just think alike. We can't stop hi-fiving

It really did. Patch 1.3 drove so many people away that I'm almost surprised they bothered. But thy really nailed it. The DZ is still awful, though, and they seem to not understand why. Or they don't care. But outside of that, it's great!

This is like the beginning of a great Louis C.K. bit……

I'm one of maybe….. 27 people that liked it. And I liked it a lot!! I found Network to be the inferior Sorkin work.

They were already working on stuff and had they not moved Druckmann and crew on to Uncharted 4, it'd be quite close to coming out. In the panel later in the event, they said this trailer was done about a year and a half ago, after pitching the new game 2 years and change ago. I'm guessing a gameplay trailer at E3,

Its not so much the game as the players. Before the DLC came out (though I love the VR and the enforcer) there was no tactical shotgun or BombExpert3. Those 2 things on their own, and combined, made it not fun to play. The way you have to play to deal with those kind of things (along with BE3-shivs, shorty dancing,

I'm more excited for the multiplayer and all of the friends I'll get to play with again when it comes out. We all met through Factions and have developed into real life friends. Factions going to shit made us play different games, and unfortunately, they're not the same ones. A lot of games were supposed to be "The

I see where you're coming from, but I'm leaning towards the trailer being their reunion after 5-10 years or so.

I listen to a lot of rage-comics (I'm a Stanhope fan-boy) so its nice to have a guy like Pete on the other end.

Yep!! Never heard of it, but I have to see it now!!

It certainly holds up. I don't think I was ever in a friends car where there wasn't a cassette of this. Hell, I had 3 of my own and I only remember buying 1.

I'm shocked that no one said anything about sprinkling a little grated cheese on the outside as well. Not much at all. But it's worth it!!


I don't think I've ever seen a comedy special review get worse then a B from this site. Kinda feel bad for some reason…..