
Kendrick is doing what Kanye thinks he's doing.

Kendrick is doing what Kanye thinks he's doing.

Really? I thought it was another month or so. Thanks!
I didn't really get bored until the last few albums. Bored might be a bit strong, but there only a few tracks per album I can handle after the first listen.

Nice new feature!! Hopefully it continues from here on out. The albums I'm waiting on the most are:

Kinda want to know what episode the great-big-thing happens in so I can skip right to that. I'll know if it's worth continuing and/or catching up with the first of this season's eps then. Just not in the mood for this show too often. Maybe I shouldn't have marathoned each season to keep from being spoiled.

I'm really enjoying this one. More so than the prior 2, but only by a small amount.

Speaking of Driving and Crying, when the hell is that album coming out? Been far too long since the short version aired.

The fact that he would hit the crash on beats other then the 1 or 3 was kinda way back when. They'd have been a better with a different drummer, but may not have got as far or at least as soon.

I know Les Claypool was far too good and way too bad a fit for Metallica, but I wish he'd of at least recorded a track or 2 with them.

I really enjoyed this show. It's a notch above "turn your brain off" entertainment and was quite fun.

The first time the oscars were at the Kodak theater and seeing my not-exactly quiet neighborhood turn into what looked almost like a demilitarized zone.

Yep!! Favorite on that show by miles. He legit scares the shit out of me with how not giving a fuck he is when faced with anyone.

Job in Banshee? Or is he just a cross dresser? Regardless, he is an absolute beast!!

True for now, but not then. Theirs were good at that time.

Still doon to cloon.

I saw Mastodon open up for Burnt By The Sun back in '03 and it was mind blowing. No one knew who they were and we couldn't believe what we were seeing. Even BBTS was like "WTF, how do we follow that." When "March Of The Fire Ants" started… I'm guessing it was a lot like seeing Metallica before Kill 'Em All.

Mama Baskets is looking a lot like Mama Heisenburg in that last pic.

That was the entirety of Efil4zaggin. Once Cube left, they didn't have shit to say, so they released an awful comedy album.

I still say "10lbs of dangling fury" and "be on the 5 in field minutes" fairly regularly.

Bridget was my least favorite part "Inside Amy Schumer" every time, and I'm guessing it was timing and mood thing, because I'm digging her quite a bit in this interview. She seems kind of awesome here!!