
Oh, Kristen Schaal is a horse
Kristen Schaal is a horse

Well, goddamn!! Andre Braugher for al the emmys!!!!

"Not great Bob!"

Sooooo did not see that one coming. I love how the idea for a few other twists were introduced, then BAMM!! The one I would have never thought of.


All I know about this show is that my love for Sarah Shahi started around this time. I've yet to see an ep, but I've seen clips!!

Listed it above, but it deserves another mention.

As great as so many of them were, my favorite "Holy shit I just pissed myself" moment was during Irish Drinking Song when Drew mumbled, and Ryan had to rhyme it. Then Colin came in with "Meooooow" and they barely finished.


Yeah, I don't give a shit what anyone says, Undateable is really pretty fun!! And Weird Loners is not bat at all.

I'd buy that its an intentional gimmick. And I don't think I'd ever have thought twice had it not been mentioned before. I'd notice something was off, but wouldn't have been able to put my finger on it.

As much as I genuinely loved the episode, the "flashbacks" with Kalinda and Alicia discussing the case were kind of offensive. I don't know if because I read in last weeks review about Julianna and Archie's on set beef, but now, I can't see scenes like these and not be annoyed by it.

Is there an option for "K?" as letter grade?

Fucking reading… How does it work?

The praise is a bit high, but praise it does deserve.

"You were right to tune out."

Anyone got a recap of this season? I tuned out, but might've stayed if I knew they were canceling it. Too late now, but I wouldn't mind knowing the gist.

Curious as to how much influence The Last Of Us's story might have on Maggie. I know they're making a TLoU movie, but if they weren't, I'd kind of want Maggie to be it just to see the story on the big screen.

Ya know… I was skeptical after seeing the preview for last week. But that was really freaking great. And I should’ve known. This is mother fucking JT-Mother-Fucking-V.

"What was on last night…."