
I had my fingers crossed the entire ep that "Where's Wallace?!" would find its way into the script!

This does open the end I was hoping for with Kalinda where kills Bishop and bolts. Not saying it'll happen, but it would be awesome. She's gotta go out with a literal bang, and not just from Cary or Julie Flint!

What about Tommy who used to work on the docks? Are the unions still on strike? And Gina? Still bringing home her pay for love?

I don't think anything HBO has done has ever leaked before. They're the kings of pay-cable, so they certainly have the power to stomp massive ass!!

I don't know what I'll do. Downing 4 right away then waiting for a month is a rough compromise. It happened a lot with a few of Showtime's shows when they'd leak the premiere, and sometimes another ep or 2. GoT is a much more in depth show that wait will be much harsher.

If one were to be so inclined and internet savvy, then you too could watch the first 4 episodes of Game Of Thrones season 5.

For me, The Last Of Us on Grounded mode. I've beaten it on Normal and Normal Plus, then Survivor and Survivor Plus. I did completely the DLC story on Grounded+, but not the main story. Part of that is because I can't seem to stop playing TLoU's Multiplayer game. I haven't played anything else in months because of that.

They were on the cusp of being pretty close to the front of the metal/core movement in early '00's, but a tour van accident knocked them out of commission for about a year. That was when all those bands started to blow up. They came back, but could never regain that traction.

It wasn't Art and it was probably barely Entertainment.

True, but ask any hardcore/metal band on the East Coast at that time, and every single one will say that Candiria was THE band in the early '00s.

Those goddamn fucking mother fuckers!

Hopefully since they're not able to submit for Comedy, that they'll add a bit more of the forward moving dramatic aspects. This whole finale felt like bad punchlines to jokes that weren't fucking jokes.

For a few minutes after the episode ended, my thoughts were “Hmmm, thats it?” But now, I think I feel pretty good saying that it was my least favorite Shameless episode to date. I got a really bad “Dexter” vibe from it, and I can’t explain it. Maybe I’m being a bit harsh, but regardless. It felt like a real waste of a

If you're putting Converge in for "C" (which I wholeheartedly agree with) then Candiria should be the runner up. 300% Density is a goddamn masterpiece!!

Damn, yo!! Can't a mofo get down with a little hyperbole anymore?

The fan base for this show is devoted and rabid. I don't think anyone wants to see this without Lynch. Whoever does direct it will not be happy out in public, I bet!! Let it fucking go Showtime!! For once in your life, let a show go.

This is the least amount of Sunday shows I've had since before BrBa started.

A January Jones and Christina Hendricks hybrid of my own.

First 4 paragraphs of The Goldbergs review were so good, I had to read them twice!!

A fucking F? Already? Goddamn!!