
Never heard of the guy. I was not expecting near what I got.

Chelsea, yes, yes. That was great.

Words, Words, Words belongs on any GOAT lists. Absolutely brilliant

Aziz did the same comparison.

You sure you don't mean Aziz Ansari?

YES!! That one completely slipped my mind. Starts off so damn strong and never stops.

I haven't seen it yet, but I'm thinking Bill Burr's special would find it's way on to this list in a couple of days. A few friends saw the early goings and said it was some of his best material.

"…best tag team ever…."

Of all of Randy's incredible doings, I have never laughter harder then he when he started rubbing his "not-really-a-clit" clit. Oh my fucking god that was incredible. In fact, that might've been the hardest I've laughed at anything in 15 years.

There was probably a huge smile on the face of Sutter when he proposed the idea of Jax's white shoes to FINALLY be dirty… with the blood of his mother… muahahahahahahaha!!!!!

“Hey Kurt? Hey, I’m thinking I need another boat. Can you put in one of them dumb ass episodes of yours to server no real purpose for absolutely no reason?” - Michael Chiklis

Don't do it, guys! Not at Fox. You know what they'll do to you if you fail, and you know what they'll do if you succeed. Either way, you're fucked(ish)

You're right. I'll just cut my loses.

How much for 92+ hours of my life back?

That went without saying!!!!!!

I dug that album. And actually, I think that each member still has a good solo LP or 2 in them. Just not as a group anymore. They don't gel at all these days.

It's interesting that they had a song called "Dog Shit" cause that's this album

Yeah, this was heartbreakingly bad. First track, and bits of the last 4, but everything in between was pretty shitty.

I stopped at "Lauren Graham" Didn't need anything else. I'm in!!!

When this season first started, I was thinking it would be that S1 was more what Valerie was thinking she came across as, and that S2 would be more like what really happened since we're seeing it though Paulie G's perspective.