
Season 4 of Dexter was in my top favorite seasons of a show ever after it aired. It slowly dropped throughout it's run but it was still top-10. After the final season and especially finale, I don't even put it on the list. The show itself was never high on any list of mine, but that season was great. Even with the

13eps? Or a full 22?

This song is quite…

That or the "More Crap" episode. But that might be just because of how off the wall the entire thing was at the time.

Randy has some of the best and funniest arcs in this show. I don't know where this one resides on the list, but it's pretty high up there.


Ya kinda gotta applaud at K&Ps commitment to their characters pretty much every time, but that 70s dance bit was elite.


I'm going to go with not even bothering to say anything bad about this episode since so much was legit really goddamn good. The bad was very minimal and easily forgotten. The good was lasting.

I actually much prefer the referencing Community did with their own survival and the actual length. "6 seasons and a movie" was said early on. They're getting their 6th season, and there is no way in hell there wouldn't be enough people to donate to the inevitable movie.

Just started this today and am really loving it. I am very impressed.

So what if my sisters are triflin'?
They just don't know
She said mama didn't tell 'em what she told me
Girl, u need pussy control
(Are u ready?)

I decided that of all the will-they/won’t-they couples on TV, I am dropping every single one of them but Alicia and Finn. They have the best tension and the teasing this show has been doing is too good to give to any other couple at this point. And when it finally happens…

I hope he's not. But if he is, this is a hell of a way to go out.

So, this should just go on ahead and be cancelled now, right? Probably the only pilot of the new year I won't bother to watch.

Since this is, according to him, Sorkin's last TV show ever, I think he's aiming incredibly high. And so far, he's succeeding well. Now I genuinely psyched for these last 4.

It only took another 5 seconds for the rest of her to show up after her boobs walked through the door!

For current day Homeland, that episode was an A++++.

I rather enjoyed seeing Jennifer Lawrence, while talking loudly with Kendrick Lamar, get nudged by Josh Hutcherson during Woody's goodnights. That was pretty great.

Wow. Has it been that long? Thanks for the info. That's pretty amazing.