
looooove so much of this.

given that several of us fundamentally disagree on various political whatnots, i think it would be very confusing.

confession: i find i have almost no interest in the songs from hamilton. i have no explanation. it just doesn't sound appealing.

unless it turns out gussie wrote about it already and i somehow missed it, i will be doing my advent calendar piece on christmas in the oaks. it will go up very late tomorrow or early the next day due to attending said event tomorrow night.

it was good. i did have one. here's what i watched:

birth control for animals IS spaying/neutering. unless there's some detail in the article to explain otherwise, this is exactly what they mean, i'm sure.

i mean, that is the best scene in that movie by leaps and bounds.

just laughing it up.

it's always a weird pleasure to recognize richard erdman in old movies.

buy a felt hat.

still makes me laugh til i hurt.

i coulda picked any number of paragons of bygone values. he just seemed an easy target.

just the pilot. not to risk wallflower's ire, but it's not my cup of tea.

it does my heart and soul good that you really get me.

because he was a straight laced cop holding up the values of the 1950s and 1960s.

you did the right thing in taking her, and i admire that you did it.

joe friday.