
i'd credit him above any given reddit user any day.

i hesitate to claim i don't understand this comment, because as can be seen elsewhere in this thread, i probably will once i think about it, but… FF is…?

although i guess it's just a pun, suggesting tv is false film. i think i get it now.

i thought that, then he cited the /tv/ thing, which seemed to be a reference.

yeah, i'm used to that, though.

i have no idea what that is.

i'm looking at endorsement deals.

what'd they do?

he acknowledges that, too, actually.

nigh unprecedently, i agree with lloyd. tinychat is a terrible, terrible website.

wish i didn't have to work through it.

i liked this under the assumption that you were suggesting elves invaded england in real life, but then i realized no, you were referencing some show i am unfamiliar with entirely.

i can't sleep.

put me down for the 15th, then, and i'll come up with what i will write about soon.

i watched him get hit by a car over and over and over. i literally remember nothing else about the film, other than hating it.

i have a friend who is c at doctor. i'll ask her.

i generally have that effect on people.

the netflix show? i… don't understand how that could be loved.

did you make it to the couple with dissociative identity disorder discussing how their different personalities fell in love?