Patrick Bateman

This pills i'm strong!
I'm snitting neft to borpo!

The future
Hey Chris, while you're here and commenting, when can we expect the review for Dead Space?

Also, friends, he doesn't just interview yokels. He talks to some priests at the Vatican who laugh at the silly parts and discount traditional Catholic dogma. "So the people who know nothing about religion believe it totally, and those who know a whole lot about it don't believe it so deeply." Or something like that.

And sorta inspired by Notes from the Underground!

Gonna paint our house, gonna paint it good. We ain't braggin, we're gonna coat that wood!

I do, I do!

Not to mention that the last ten minutes had Mozart's Requiem played under it.

You should've known that everything is better in Northern Virginia in the first place!

Dude, his name is CLEATUS.

How Clover got her Field back.

Jason, thank you very much for your clarification and admission of appreciation. It clears up a lot of our fanboy anger at seeing a C-.

I don't mean just asskissing. I mean informed reviewing. There are posts on here that only say things like "i hate this band." You're right; this is a review, it's about evaluation, not joe idiot's opinion of the band.

I'm alright with informed opinions, i.e. "I'm a fan of the mars volta and did not care for this record." Same thing like "Director John Smith's latest movie isn't as good as his last few." What i have a problem with is the dickheads who don't like the band and come here with nothing more to offer than their stinky

What's ridiculous about wanting the discussion to be mostly fanboys? I like this band, i want to hear about the new album from like-minded fans, not people who hate the band. There is a lot of variation of preference for each of their three previous albums among fans. I want to hear what those people who appreciate

Yeah I loved Genesis, in the 80s. Time to move on.

If you don't like this band, stay the fuck off the comment page, please. We'd like to talk about this album instead of listening to you bitch about them. Thank you.