Harvey Dent

I don't see any reason to believe that's happening

At least one with brains

Well, I did not need that needle in the eye. Other than that, really good episode and I like how deep we saw into Naz's story.

This movie would be better if it took place in that house

Jack Frost isn't THIS bad. Unless you mean the horror masterpiece.


I want to see this movie. I don't know why, I don't know when, I don't know how…but I will make it happen.

I need BD Wong every week in some form. Just endless scenes of his dialogue and everything about him.

To be fair, Nattie is legitimately terrible.

Eh, weekly NXT is pretty rough outside of a decent match here and there. They just build well to the PPV shows.

"Orton is barely passable in the ring."

As much as I like Becky getting her own brand and the idea of her carrying the women's division on Smackdown…I'd rather see her on Raw with the talent there and just give them like an hour or so each week. Smackdown could have the veteran women like Nattie and maybe more women could periodically move there in the

Few things…

He morphed into a quasi Chris Jericho/Triple H in that promo, which was nice to see

My sister saw them at a local radio station festival a few years ago (she was a big fan I guess because she is often terrible) and said she saw Leto look like he just got out of doing a line then him being a total prick to everyone around him. That is my 30 Seconds to Mars story, because they suck.

No Denis Villeneuve, probably no Deakins, no Blunt, maybe no Johan Johansson. Where do I sign up?

Batman is all over the trailers

Dowd confirmed on Twitter that he would have given it a C- had he reviewed it. I CALLED IT.

His Uncle Ben died when he was a teenager

These really aren't spoilers