Harvey Dent

They'll boo him. Post Mania Raw is always absolutely insane.

Just a bad show all around for the most part. I loved Ryder winning because it was the good kind of unexpected, where a largely shat on talent got a moment to shine for the first time in over 4 years. He's been great lately, so it was awesome to see. I loved the Women's match as well and agree with it being the

I need Kyle's Mania review so I can bitch some more

Ugh DWS on Daily Show

Has to be better than the two shitfests on Saturday


You make me sick

"almost handsome"

Seriously people, watch Lucha Underground. I got my friend who hates wrestling to watch it and she loves it, so please. It's amazing.

That's Fox News frequent contributor Mark Fuhrman to you, bub

As the resident Gugu-Mbatha Raw fan, this would be pretty damn amazing. Please give her more jobs.

You had me at Salt N Pepa


So you want a banger in the mouth?

It's not like he's immune to criticism. Fast Food Nation and Bad News Bears were both panned.

JEW HATIN IS NO JOKE SON. Now go fire up Amazon Prime and watch Dazed and Confused.

Have you seen it, beema

Is this because you hate Jews

It's Linklater and I have free passes for next Wednesday, so I'm in regardless. Boyhood and Before Midnight were both my favorite movies of their respective years, after all.

You've never seen Dazed and Confused?!