
I'm picturing one of those giant checks?

I hope she's giving it to charity!

Bullshit. Nature doesn't "devise various means to correct overpopulation". And it's not an excuse for hateful, bigoted genocide. You certainly must be aware of this?

And yet jumping straight to genocide, in a torturous fashion mind you, seems a bit premature.

I wouldn't consider fighting for survival and resources the same as an ideological hatred of any "other", just as I would consider it different to steal to live as opposed to stealing for the thrill. And I would consider combat over those resources to be quite different from attempted extermination.

Nah, I'm pretty confident in my incompetence. But I'm also fairly competent in my understanding of basic decency, unlike these assholes, so I'm fine with it.

Nope. Group that wants to commit genocide are the bad guys. Always have been, always will be. When the US did it to the Native population, they were wrong. When the Nazis did it to Jewish people, they were wrong. And anyone who wants it now is fucking wrong. They are the bad guys.

Well, it's an important distinction.

Yup. It's called the Dunning-Krueger Effect. The less competent you are, the more likely you are to find yourself competent.

I almost wish they would do that. I like the idea of just bombing their site so the server crashes every once in a while.

I don't think they're Nazis. I do think a lot of them enabled the rise of this behavior by embracing Trump, though. Voting for a man who openly courted the fascist division of the right emboldened these monsters. While I won't accuse them all of being nazis, I think they share some culpability.

I don't think many people will say that every Trump voter is a Nazi (though they were willing to put up with a lot of racist shit if they aren't). But pretty much every Nazi is a Trump supporter.

Okay, fine, let's look at it this way then: one side believes that they are genetically superior to everyone else because of the way they were born, and has a history of advocating for genocide of those "lesser" people. The other side thinks that's really fucked up.

Well, it's not like that's wrong. Don't see a lot of Hillary supporters in that crowd.

I've said it before and I'll say it again: I wish I had the confidence of a fat, ugly dude who somehow still thinks he has superior genetics.

Seriously, can you imagine having that level of self confidence?

The difference is, ultimately and in the laziest way possible…we're right. They're wrong.

I really liked HIMYM when it was on (well, everything from the first four seasons or so…after that was really hit or miss
), but since it ended I've had no desire at all to watch any of it again. And it isn't like a "the finale ruined it for me" thing, I just have no interest in it any more. Despite how much I

I like every development in the finale, like it all makes perfect sense…but damn was it rushed. Especially after the whole season leading up to it took place over one day. Like maybe mid season finale would have been the wedding and the second half could have fleshed out all those developments that the finale ran

It would be kind of funny actually. He'd want to throw a temper tantrum but he wouldn't be able to!