
I'll never understand how a new song just shatters the record so quickly like that. I mean Spotify has been around for years now, plenty of hits have come out in that time period…how does that shit happen?

I've been reading some old Ditko/Romita era Spider-Man comics and the casual sexism is just bizarre, honestly. Like I know it was a different time but good lord. The dismissive attitude Peter has towards like every woman out there is just weird and awful.

I usually end up with "girl" or "lady" but those end up fairly heavily age based, which I don't like.

This is only tangentially related, but I think we need a good casual term for a woman. I mean, I don't normally call people "men" because that seems oddly formal, and so does "women". Like I wouldn't say "Oh I'm going out with some of the men that I work with", I'd say "I'm going out with some guys". There isn't a

Yeah, that's the problem more so than anything. These guys get the benefits of the system and the poor get the worst side of it.

I prefer my historical fiction idea about Archduke Ferdinand coming back to life in the middle of WWI and feeling really important.

On the one hand, he's clearly a terrible person and he deserves way more jail time…but on the other hand, that's the trade off of our justice system. Sadly, he got away with murder. They can't punish him for a crime he was acquitted for, and that sentence he got was basically doing that. I'd rather see him not be

It was only mostly dead. There's a big difference between mostly dead and all dead. Mostly dead is slightly alive. With all dead, well, with all dead there's usually only one thing you can do.

…are you Ted Nugent?

Yeah…I'm not at the point of saying they're racist or something, but I have strong suspicions there are elements to their opposition that they aren't stating.

I think you have to look at the amount of opposition compared to the inconvenience. Like 16 blocks isn't a huge deal, but I understand that it's a nuisance. But that's all it really is, a nuisance/annoyance/inconvenience. That alone doesn't strike me as a big deal. If it were me personally, I probably wouldn't

All factors, for sure. But just like they definitely hated Obama more for being black, they hated Hillary more for being a woman.

Yeah, but that's on the left. The right didn't like her because she was a woman and they couldn't say that, so instead they used coded language like "shrill" to draw attention to the fact that she has a vagina.

Come on, we definitely were. Puffy faced orange man said it! And so did that senile wannabe cowboy a few decades ago!

Let's call the whole thing off.

Wow, that sounds like a mistake.

I don't think those are mutually exclusive viewpoints.

An Atlantic article literally compared him to Wil E Coyote

Or Obama's amazing Obama next to him.

So this show will be awful, no doubt about it.