Super heaven.
Super heaven.
Or it will get erased from history, when it's dad is taken out of the timeline.
And when he talks about how that dude died.
Every time I see Stevie, I only hear and see Turtle Princess.
I always thought of it as kinda like a holy trinity situation.
She kept reminding me of Anakin. If you don't agree with her or you tell her she's wrong, you're clearly out to destroy her. It would be great if she turned out to be an evil Avatar.
He threw for 316 yards in a playoff game. Not even Tebow could get a passer rating that low, even though I've seen him try.
FXM is just the Fox Movie Channel.
Country Mac was awesome so he had to die.
He pretty much got what he deserved.
This episode was great. That dude constantly getting fucked over was great. I wasn't expecting that twist at the end, which was great. That dude's daughter getting stalked and murdered was sad as fuck though.
I just think it's boring, I just don't think the characters are interesting. That isn't because it's not Breaking Bad, I fucking watch Once Upon A Time. It's pretty clear that dude and chick are gonna fall in love or some shit. I'm gonna give it another episode or two.
This show needs an old dude.
I like a good Skips episode. Could have fleshed out Walks a little more though.
Was that security guard Mia X?
Wait, he dude who's been running Family Guy took over? That ain't good but we'll see.
Move this show back to Wednesday.
Definitely, I wouldn't question it.
Felt more like Beverly Hills Cops to me.
Zouks there it is.