
You know they didn't.

They cared when Obama killed that fly.

My pick: When Duke went all villain and then his glasses cracked and he knew about about it.

HD-DVD, we hardly knew ye.

Now everyone respects her "expert" medical opinion. Plus she's the only one giving out medical advice.

I like that idea.

Is that Brock?

Lafayette and Terry show up too. Even Sam is hardly ever there.

I'm talking about the guy she just met.

She also told Maggie that Hal was "perfectly normal". She also told Anne the baby was "perfectly normal". She was even telling the deharnnessed kids they'd be normal after that procedure.

That was a nice touch. I'm glad they didn't try to explain too.

That fairy dude's probably Warlow.

I've never heard it mentioned. Maybe Andy's daughters are growing up so fast because they're half and half.

Stamps.com single-handedly supports the podcasting industry.

Tell that to Debra Ann Woll.

It did look weird.

Eric can fly too.

I've watched this since the first season and I've never reflected back on an episode and said "That was deep" or "That episode put everything in a whole new light". It was always "I wish they'd kill Tara." and it still is today.

I haven't watched this since last year, sorry. A long lost fourth would add even more shenanigans. Looks like things are gonna get more complicated for old Sheriff Andy.

And being a pack leader. It seems like all the werewolves do is party and fuck. I wish I was werewolf.