Doctor Folly

Heh. I remember I used to have a copy of X-Force #25 signed by Capullo. It was the "Fatal Attractions" tie-in issue; had a hologram cover and everything.

Ian Richardson or GTFO.

I'll tell you what; the first half of Season 8 was actually pretty good. Sure, there was weird stuff like Dawn being turned into a giant and fighting a giant robot version of herself in Tokyo (no pandering here, dudes). The Brian K. Vaughan story arc with Faith and Giles was the best part.

Should have left it in his pocket.

Still better than Radiation Roy, Porcupine Pete, Arm-Fall-Off Boy, Double-Header, Plaid Lad and Accordian King.

Hey, they can blame the Writer's Strike for season two, but that still doesn't justify or explain seasons three or four.

Ratt actually had a fairly decent rhythm section, but they were never used because all their songs are just guitar riffs with Steven Pearcy snarling rhythmically (he doesn't have the range to justify calling it singing). They had a fairly good lead guitarist as well but he was never able to play melodically, because

I imagine the writer just went for the last completed story available; if my estimations are correct then the book would have been published while the Claremont and Austen runs were still ongoing, but Morrison's "Planet X" story had just finished.

I've not had the opportunity to read Moore's Miracleman/Marvelman pitch myself but that sounds pretty likely.

I think I'll probably trade wait for Miracleman, as keen as I am to read the story. It's one of those series I've been fascinated by for nearly ten years, ever since I got a copy of Mike Conroy's 500 Comicbook Vilains which was stuffed to the gills with great obscurities and featured a double-page spread on Kid

There was this fleeting glimpse of Taylor Swift getting her "surprised face" ready, just before they announced Album of the Year.

I think I'm going to leave my stupid comments in my pocket.

It's published in the tabloid format and much of its content is standard tabloid fare, but it strenuously denies being such.

Don't tend to use digital services myself. I like having collections (got the Iron Man by Michelinie and Layton omnibus for Christmas!).

James Robinson is also getting the Fantastic Four later his year. Anybody have any thoughts on that?

Unfortunately, Young Justice has never been collected (loads of DC's most popular series from the 1990s have never been collected, or if they have, they've gone out of print).

I'm not saying you can't write a good book which has that style, it's just… You want a "grim and gritty" book, so you hire the guys who did Justice League International to do it?

Just after it happened, Maguire claimed on Twitter that they sacked him because they wanted the book to have a more "grim and gritty" style, which (if it's true) really says it all.

When I heard about JL 3000, I thought the idea of cloned superheroes waking up in the 31st century sounded somewhat familiar. I think Giffen was even responsible for it the first time, when he was writing LSH with the Bierbaums?

The post-JRJR stuff has since been reprinted in un-numbered volumes, so what used to be "The Reigning" has been deleted and has now been folded into either the end of of "Spiral" or the start of "Gods and Men".