Jon Duckett

How could it not be the most fun on television?

If you're of the opinion that it's been a long time since there was a good FF, probably not. I'm of the opinion that series is competently enough made to never be anything but 'good' - not necessarily consistently excellent like it could be, but I've never actually sat there and thought a numbered instalment was bad.

If you're of the opinion that it's been a long time since there was a good FF, probably not. I'm of the opinion that series is competently enough made to never be anything but 'good' - not necessarily consistently excellent like it could be, but I've never actually sat there and thought a numbered instalment was bad.

Ssssh, I was writing this when it was posted I swear.

Ssssh, I was writing this when it was posted I swear.

Here's my expectations for 2014, just to prove I'm more of a trendsetter than the inevitable 2013 predictions list coming in the next few days:
Girls Season 3 is a hot ticket after that one episode where Shoshanna blew up.
Game Of Thrones Season 3's cliffhanger where Joffrey was about to do that one thing but didn't

Here's my expectations for 2014, just to prove I'm more of a trendsetter than the inevitable 2013 predictions list coming in the next few days:
Girls Season 3 is a hot ticket after that one episode where Shoshanna blew up.
Game Of Thrones Season 3's cliffhanger where Joffrey was about to do that one thing but didn't

XIII-2 was the single game released this year that I played to completion pretty much in one block (as opposed to over-the-course-of-a-month, as my schedule pretty much demands), but then again I was late to the vidya gaem party as a child and my first game ever was FF7, so I'll always be biased even if the series

XIII-2 was the single game released this year that I played to completion pretty much in one block (as opposed to over-the-course-of-a-month, as my schedule pretty much demands), but then again I was late to the vidya gaem party as a child and my first game ever was FF7, so I'll always be biased even if the series



@Abby Headingtons.

@Abby Headingtons.

There'll be a bunch of internet people sad that there's no possibility for a Sherlock!Who crossover now.

There'll be a bunch of internet people sad that there's no possibility for a Sherlock!Who crossover now.

Vastra is to Moffat what Captain Jack was to RTD - hella deserving of a spin-off.

Vastra is to Moffat what Captain Jack was to RTD - hella deserving of a spin-off.

What, no love in the stay observations for "I'm a lizard woman from the dawn of time, and this is my wife"? Not an overly quotable episode, but the Vasta, Jenny and Strax combo picked up that slack admirably.

What, no love in the stay observations for "I'm a lizard woman from the dawn of time, and this is my wife"? Not an overly quotable episode, but the Vasta, Jenny and Strax combo picked up that slack admirably.