Jon Duckett

Fun Fact: I wrote a dissertation last year that hinged on the fact that magic was kept out of ASOIAF until the very end of the first book. I argued that Essos was effectively a Narnia-type place, and the Narrow Sea stood in for a portal (a theoretically imposing but easily maneuverable divider between a paranormal and

Did anyone else pause for the title card? It was actually kinda sweet. Almost makes you wanna forgive Chuck Lorre for that other show.

That too would make sense. I guess I was just giving the optimistic, "not completely rigged" interpretation. Missy Gunderson was robbed.

I at least got the implication that Rachel was pretty close. I feel like there's a delete scene somewhere, based on Quinn's "I won by one vote" line. If Santana and Quinn both changed their votes to whoever came second, that person would win… Hm. Perhaps I'm giving it too much credit. Also, I'm a sucker for the full

It's pronounced "Swaz-tee-karr"

Which is a perfectly acceptable response if there's any evidence that the American Ms. Reich did not choose her surname.

Only tangentially related to the review, but John Mark Karr transitioned into Alexis Reich? Isn't that the only last name outside of actually calling yourself Hitler that would raise alarm bells in someone notorious for legal proceedings?

Whoopi's set for two(?) more, so most likely she'll be a judge at Nationals and show up at Graduation to tell Rachel congrats, she changed her mind, how incredible a thing that is, etc etc. Agree about the Beiste stuff belonging to another episode entirely, but not sold that it's F-level. The Beiste stuff is overly

The songs themselves were entirely enjoyable, good covers - but of the seven, How Will I Know, It's Not Right and I Have Nothing were the only ones related to the plot, and I Have Nothing was a little tenuous (it's a song for a much deeper split in a much more couple-y relationship. Kurt and Blaine are a fine couple,

Never fear, she apparently has a WHOLE SONG coming up before the season ends! … Yeah, that's actually a pretty depressing now that I've written it.

I can't help but imagine a Scooby Doo style spinoff where young Will, Sue, Terri, Bryan Ryan and Lord Tubbington Sr. all solve crimes while singing disco numbers.
But yeah, Bryan Ryan buys them all jean jackets when he's happy, moments before Sue tells him he didn't the part and he becomes mean again?

I assume that, like Damian McGinty and Vanessa Lengies, Dianna Agron was given the week off because their characters had little to do other than stand around (and all 3 apparently have sizeable storylines coming up, so fair enough).

Just to clarify something you seem to imply in the 'Cameo's part: "I have no idea, however, why the show brought on Neil Patrick Harris just to have him yell, “Jean jackets,”" - You mean 'I have no idea why they used a clip from First Season's 'Dream On'', right? #nitpickingagreatreview

This is not just an idea, child, it is an act of Whimsy.

@avclub-42763705844bf5e2af4abd6c898f8dcb:disqus : You just have a talent for finding the worst in that cast, don't you?
Although I would have no problem seeing Victoria Jackson be defeated by a mighty, victorious Galactus.

Congratulations on finding what may be the one exception to my statement.

I don't think you're aware of how much money I would pay to watch Maya Rudolph fight Galactus. Or any SNL alum, to be honest.

This is only the Quinnaugral meeting of Quinn and the Group. I'm open to a Quinn/Barney story with the fairly Quinnsidious undertones Donna ponted out.

A B- in the community grade too? I guess when it comes to this episode, people are just… Quinndifferent.

Gotta admit I do not hate my own creation here. I would be comfortable with an enswansoned Dad!Ted.