
The album was conceived, written, and recorded in a rest stop bathroom off of Highway 20 in Oxford, Alabama just west of Talladega National Forest following a bout of food poisoning obtained at a Sonic in Birmingham. It's theme is loss.

Remember kids, always recycle … TO THE EXTREME

This isn't the best time for your unique brand of bittersweet folk rock.

Car Wheels - Great
Essence - Great
Sweet Old World - Really Good
World Without Tears - Good
West - So So
Lucinda Williams - So So
Happy Woman Blues - So So

Cam was getting his Devil Wears Prada on.

"You're here with the GATOR and the LUNATIC! David, you didn't know it, but you're just in time to help us out with the Friday morning fart song!"

It would have been incredibly good natured, self aware, and deprecating for them to do that, since HAL is an unsubtle slam at IBM in the first place.

How I read this
"Vulture further reports that Kunis signing on was all that was needed to secure James Franco in the role of the Wizard"

@ Immaculate Misconception

It's not that one is better than the other, its just damn impressive when a band can carry off both the big concept project and the pretty album of quiet simplicity.

Heard of two
How to Dress well is probably the best known band on this list. I've actually heard Dale Earnhardt Jr. Jr. and think they sound pretty good:

Some of these albums aren't all that great
Up? Suzanne Vega?