Clark Griswolds Sappy Fingers

Final Scene
Maybe I missed something, but what was that last "shocking" scene supposed to be? The episode seemed like it was over, then it quickly cut to a lab with three bodies laying there and dramatic music hit. I couldn't tell who the people were or why we were supposed to be shocked about their existence.

By the time he was in John From Cincinnati, he was in full-on primo, floppy-haired surfer boy mode. Maybe he didn't want to cut it just in case they decided to bring it back and explain to us what the fuck was going on.

To be fair
Mark-Paul Gosselaar has been "floppy-haired" for a while now, so the "newly floppy-haired" description isn't really accurate.

If the drugs don't work…
then you're obviously not doing them right.

Death Floor: The Floor That Eats People

Duly noted.

Nerd Alert
Technically, these episodes don't feature Angel. It's Angelus. Angel has the soul. Angelus is the pure evil vampire that used to have control of the body.

They fucked up the Haimster's character.

Actually, my sources told me it's a mixed martial arts biopic about the dog that played Air Bud.