K. Thrace

I kept waiting for more concentration on Nixon. Ron Livingston was able to bring a lot of presence into an often one-dimensional role. It was odd to me at first because I expected Livingstone to be the comic relief on the show, but while Nixon is the guy you want to drink with, he's not the guy who is always cracking

I'm excited that it's Todd! Todd writes great reviews, does his homework, and connects emotionally with series. I think he's perfect for a show like this, which requires detailed-thinking and brings an emotional wallop.

And by black criminals—remember when she visited Limehouse's place?

Loretta would eat him for lunch.

It's weird because by the 3rd episode or so, the audience is so invested in each individual character. But I remember that I almost gave up on this series at first because I had no idea who anyone was. This episode would have improved with a little more expository character dialogue (it's not like this show shied

He also has a red crew cut, so he looks slightly different than everyone else.

He comes up quite often in my dreams.

BoB has the superior acting, which is what really sets it apart from The Pacific. The Pacific's acting is…lackluster.

I ignored a lot of the religious aspects of Six, because the psychology was far more interesting. But the religious parts of the show can't be ignored for long. I'm interested in reading how much you enjoy them as the show progresses.

The answer was Scottie Pippen.

I wanted a little more.

Consistently and thoroughly.

We agree, and if two people on the Internet agree, then we must be right.

It's easy to blank out and just watch the pretty things on the screen. I was really irritated with Piven and his fake accent for the first few episodes, but then he gets more comfortable with the setting and the show starts clicking around episodes 3 or 4.

Those are really good questions. I had to wonder if maybe Tim knows Art better than Raylan does (I can see Art going out to look for Darryl if Darryl had shot one of his marshals).

I'll probably start commenting on The Americans and Hannibal more, I've just been swamped this season and not watching TV as much. I will definitely make time for Mad Men, Justified, and The Americans.

The troll told me he had it flagged for that reason.

*Puts on blindfold*

Anything said while wearing a beard is automatically manly. That's, like, Begging for Your Life 101.

I assume you edited out the sections of the transcript where you let out manly cries for mercy.