K. Thrace

The Law & Order thread is the most epic to me.

It's worth a Commie nomination!

Orphan Black should definitely not be in the top 3. Without Maslany as the headliner, it wouldn't even that watchable of a show. Of course, the AVC should have said something about it already, at least to give it a "best actor ever" article, so I'm not sure.

I mean, at least Buckley had a sense of humor. Though Sullivan doesn't really strike me as being that much of a conservative or an intellectual! I grant you O'Rourke.

Ughhhhh, the problem with fracking is that even the so-called "experts" on television seem to have very little on-the-ground fracking knowledge. I was watching the documentary Fracknation this weekend and the director kept showing a picture of a traditional oil derrick when discussing fracking issues. He didn't once

D'oh! I totally forgot that Habermas is still alive! Suddenly this article seems quite silly, unless the premise is that Habermas doesn't appear on 20/20 enough to be a public intellectual.

William F. Buckley was a great conservative thinker, and has not been dead long enough that I think we can entirely dismiss conservative intellectualism.

Eh…I don't feel like she has the same expansive appeal.

Very decent list. I'd add a few scientific thinkers—Dawkins, Pinker, and deGrasse Tyson.

I enjoy that I never know who I'm going to root for from one episode to the next, or what character I'll still like!

I lurk on these boards sometimes. I don't have anything to say about MAoS that you guys haven't said. There's just nothing to say about a show that has nothing to say.

I think they improved some things, and made some things worse. So on the whole: the same. But I still think it's worth watching…what other sci-fi is better right now?

Hey, you should check out the Forum. I created an OK meet up thread. I think it's you, me, and Chalmers, if you're interested. No worries if you're not.

Is this where I can come to complain about Continuum being SO CLOSE to being an amazing show about politics and security and individual determinism? And yet, Continuum is such a better show than SHIELD that I feel guilty about complaining over its shortcomings.

Well, it's about real-life people with questionable morals. And real-life people rarely murder each other, they look for some easier way out. This show is all about people finding the path of least resistance in their drive to succeed moderately.

I don't see it so much as an underscore of Don's secret life—I see it as another note on a theme that Mad Men is all about. Money/power breeds secrecy and territorialism. It's not subtext so much as text. I don't think you should feel bad for "missing" the subtext, because you saw it, as I did, as part of the story

RIGHT? WTF. The Celtic Tiger got shot and has been mounted up on the wall for 5 years now.

I know, I saw your post after I made mine…and of course we both thought of this! 30 Rock is the LOGICAL way of thinking about all NBC-related Newswires.

But a gimp suit is all that the original movie was missing!

But a gimp suit is all that the original movie was missing!