Doesn't New York City have giant rats and cockroaches and, ew, people?
Doesn't New York City have giant rats and cockroaches and, ew, people?
I love how they turn a pre postmodern book into a perfect postmodern movie. And yet it cleaves so closely to the original spirit of the novel. I love it. The AVC should do a short article on that movie. There's so much to unpack.
Scrawler has come unstuck in time. I know why you think it's 90s though…everything about it has a very 90s feel, except for the Billy Bob Thornton president-character.
The movie wasn't made in the 90s!!!
You must rewatch it. It's hilarious. You should watch it to laugh at the terrible sweaters that everyone wears. And to wonder why Knightley is constantly showing her midriff in December.
I just watched Love, Actually last night. I forgot that we get so much near-naked Freeman in that movie.
But I can't make meat!
Once you see the title The Reichenbach Falls, you should probably be prepared for Sherlock coming back.
This winter, Google is Sherlock Holmes.
If you're going to steal a plot point, it might as well be from "The Hound of the Baskervilles."
I have to make a non-carb, non-meat meal tonight, Bombadil! Do you have any suggestions?
No. Just assume that I'm not as hot as McDonnell, that wouldn't hurt my feelings in the least.
Dear god, I can't keep up with that schedule. I haven't watched any TV recently at all. I shall have to go back and make comments on all of your old posts.
Let me know when you start it, I'll try to watch somewhat at the same time. It sounds like DRC would discuss it with us!
That's a really good point—the wind might have made a difference.
Good luck. Crumb crusts can be slightly tricky, only because you have to add enough butter. You can't be chintzy with the butter.
You're a genius! Quiche with side salad: a) I know how to make it; b) I can make it with stuff I already have at home; c) people are weirdly impressed by quiche.
Can we now talk about brownies? For no real reason. I just want a brownie.