How many switches does it take to turn on a 72-year-old?
How many switches does it take to turn on a 72-year-old?
I love camp now (I probably loved it then, too, I just didn't understand that I did). I want to see this movie again!
Vadasz, it's a very nuanced arc, but it's always about the pangs of growing up. Even S6 and 7 are about what it means to be an adult (which Whedon explicitly says in the DVD commentary for the S6 finale, I believe). Buffy has a very standard bildungsroman arc: and it's done well, and it's done believably, and there…
Oh. Could you tell my husband that, please?
Agreed. In a year no one will remember this, and we'll all be happy about the ACA. But to me, the coverage of the website is fair because it is a very stressful situation for people who are actually trying to get health insurance. It's really caused me a lot of problems. This, again, is a sign that the ACA works. …
Buffy had a traditional growing-up arc. I'm not knocking it (I love it, I identify with it), but it wasn't as shocking or as amazing as Wesley's. I've never seen another show attempt anything like Wesley's arc…maybe The Shield and Breaking Bad.
Angel Spoilers:
Wesley had the best arc in the Buffyverse.
So THAT'S why Geordi had to wear that visor.
It's the slave trade for people with low credit scores.
You can't disappoint a remake!
Now I can't decide if you think I would nag or wouldn't :)
Clueless has aged better than Election, weirdly. I do not know how that happened, but it's true.
Your list is awesome!!! They should talk about all of those.
Hey, I volunteered for the Obama campaign both times, Cookie. I'm blue through-and-through. But Goddamn It, I need to get healthcare and the site has crashed on me every time. I don't think we should try to justify its failure. Admit it and fix it and do better.
They're measured in rings on the liver.
Pretty sure it's THIS one.
Bam a lam.