
Nice to know this show doesn't hold back on portraying sexual orientation. I'm really interested in this, it sounds very honest.

Is it because you look good in orange?

Never liked him, not a Rush fan.

It's not going to be good.

Was Alex gonna buy a condo with Wilmer Valderondo?

I like that song. It's a fine, cute pop song. but americans have to deal with the over-exposure of it, so I'm not surprised. But I actually think it's one of the few good things to come out of pretty girl whiny pop-rock from the 90's.

I'm not a fan of Die Another Day (don't hate it either), but it's certainly a lot better than that Cornell theme song.

The singles on Hard Knock Life alone are much better than anything on Magna Carta, but I actually think it's a pretty excellent album, even if uneven and isn't in the same level of greatness of the other four.

Didn't care about Somewhereinamerica much actually, but I liked Heaven and Part II. I just prefer Holy Grail and Tom Ford, but I recognize that's not a popular opinion. I quite liked Frank's song too, and I did enjoy the Nas collab, simply because it's Jay and Nas in the same track, but that's pretty much it.

I don't see it. My top 6, without even considering this one, would be:

I just wanted to say I love the ridiculous pun in the episode title.

Get Out Alive With Twink Blondz didn't do as well.

With a name like that, this show should have been either about hairy big gay men or an acclaimed indie band. Or both.

There's no way Magna Carta is what rap can be at its best. It's not anywhere conceivably close to that. You're probably just on hyperbole, but this isn't even in Jay-Z top 5 best albums (maybe not even top 10). And it certainly even further from being at the level of "The Message", or "Follow The Leader", or "It Takes

Unfortunately, I think they'll ignore it.

What's a Grantland?

Whenever people generalize Top 40 radio artists, I cringe a bit. They might be similar in singles or broad aspects of their music, but some have a few distinctions that make them better or stand out in a way that make them special in some form. This kind of generalization only helps to create a certain kind of

And the Malcolm In The Middle theme song is actually quite fun, good fun.

I don't like "Party In The U.S.A.", but I have to admit to like "See You Again" and, as cheesy and embarrassing as it is, "The Climb". Only Miley songs I tolerate though. And her new one is pretty much awful.

Body Party is such an excellent single for her though.