
You see, length is not so much an issue with editing. I mean, in some ways, it is, because if it's bloated, it's up to them to adjust and trim it. But that's not exactly the primary function. AD actually has excellent editing, and a firm internal pace and hysterical cuts (when you laugh at how a scene is edited more

Keaton was not a good Batman. That's nostalgia talking.

Alan Rickman has the best line deliveries in every film he does. I dislike Love Actually. Not implying it's bad film like the ones in the article, at least not intensely bad, and recognize that notion is exclusive to a few people. But I really, really like his scenes in that film, as well as Emma Thompson (another one

I like the editing for New Girl, but for me Happy Endings and Don't Trust The B_ In Apartment 23 were kings of comedy editing this season. The tennis match in HE and the Monday June episode of Bitch 23 are proof of this.

I was suprised at how much I liked him in Cosmopolis, but maybe that's just The Cronz doing his thang and getting him to work well.

Some of these suffer from being blinded by the talent someone had in films that followed. No matter how talented Theron and Clooney are, their performances only had the merit of not sucking (or in Theron's case, not sucking as much as the rest of the film).

This is such a weird casting.

DH was the only one you returned to, but I think Grey's, Dirty Sexy Money and Ugly Betty were all better shows. DH was just too inconsistent, even when compared to Shonda's shows. I think the last really good episode DH had was the supermarket one with Laurie Metcalf going batshit crazy. Grey's was still able to

I always thought Christina would've made a better lead. Not only is Sandra Oh the best actress in the cast, but for the first two seasons she kept getting the best material. The Meredith/Derek storyline could be interesting and touching and engaging a few times, especially in the first season, when it wasn't so soapy.

I really loved season two at the time, at the point that season three was such a huge disappointment. But that second year is much, much stronger than the detractors like to admit. It wasn't great TV, in the Sopranos/Wire definition of great TV, but for that season, it was phenomenal entertainment. It was a point in

No, because the three best seasons of Sopranos are one, five and six-part-II. Actually, now that I think about it, I'd put season three above season two as well.

I think you mean the cinematography you have a problem with, not the camera work, especially since, if I'm not mistaken, they actually shoot it on film, which means the whole coloring adjustments, like a more pronounced contrast, happens in post, so it's more a combination of factors regarding cinematography than just

The AV Club is scaring me by giving this show two A's in such a short amount of time. If this show turned good, what are we supposed to joke about now?

Try Demo.

Fuck it, I'm giving it an A based on Bracebridge Dinner alone. The Björk snow-woman is one of my favorite elements in the show's history.

Also discounting Gilmore Girls, because no way that Smallville is better.

@avclub-7f4069db8c7d02ea9f8984a3962d5eef:disqus If you think trolling is the answer to anything, you're wrong. That's a juvenile response to fans reacting to the death of an actor that gave an iconic performance.
It's not overreacting because their aren't hurting like they would for relatives or acting like the impact

I know you don't care, and that's fine, that's your right, but the man was an extremely talented actor who did one of the biggest iconic roles in any medium of the last 20 years or so. Can you stop bragging about how you just shrugging it off while others care about it?

Rock solid A. And yes, for both episodes. But obviously, my favorite episode of the season is "Colony Collapse". It might actually be one of my favorites in the whole history of the show, comparable even to the season two greatness of stuff like "Amigos!" and "Good Grief".

And Hold My Liquor. And Blood On The Leaves. And Send It Up. Holy shit, he really got ripped off, didn't he? Where did he even buy it missing so many songs?