
Even if people don't like Scorsese's work, do they really think he'd do a film about nothing but rich white guys partying? There's a heightened humor through the whole thing and some so over the top imagery that I don't think this is supposed to be celebratory, but ridiculous. In fact, I'll be surprised if this turns

Are people really missing the satyrical suggestion of the scenes? To me it's implying  tone (not premise) similar to a cross between American Psycho and Cosmopolis. It's so over the top absurd in its douchiness it's basically yelling it's satire. Plus, Leo with a monkey!

Cyndi Lauper has a Tony!

@avclub-c02b1e8c39e84057c1a17d0eea9c8bba:disqus Don't mind them, Community fanboys are jerks to anyone who doesn't love the show.

You really think fans don't have the power to alienate casual viewers and people interested in it? The intensity that people bring to these posts about the show is very off-putting.

Yeah, the whole superiority complex from Community fans is ridiculous and appalling. They care SO MUCH that you prefer other shows than their favorite. And they hate every comedy more popular or more successful just because (which means 99% of all comedies created ever).

I really wish they hired Robert Carlock and he pulled the best Community season ever just to prove you wrong. But I'd rather Robert Carlock would simply create a show of his own now that 30 Rock ended instead.

And finally the obsessive fanboying that defend every terrible thing Dan Harmon starts! Oh, how I have not missed you at all!

He'd rather be a dick than a swallower.

"I'm not here to make friends, I'm here to showrun!"

He is not a genius. Oh god, is the Community fanboying going to reach those levels of annoyance again? he is certainly gonna motivate the fans to be assholes again.

Well, at least he admits he didn't like season four. I saw a Sorkin interview recently where he said he never watched a single episode of The West Wing after he left. Yeah, right, because you're known for your small-size ego and self-control, Sorkin. So believable.


Let's get tomato soup delivered so we don't have to put on real shoes!

Dan Harmon was whining and being annoying? I'M SHOCKED, SHOCKED I TELLS YA!

Actually, that's quite normal, especially with mainstream artists albums. I remember reading MDBTF reviews an entire week before the album was actually released, like Rolling Stone and Entertainment Weekly.

Do these records even matter anymore? I mean, with inflated ticket prices and other changes in currency, there will always be a film breaking records. It doesn't mean the film is bigger than the ones that came before.

You think Daft Punk wasn't fun? Holy shit.

I agree that was a rude post, but I kinda agree. It's a bit silly to avoid spoilers on an episode review.

Nah, I hear you. I don't get it either. if someone doesn't want spoilers, the last place they'll go it's an episode recap of the episode they haven't seen.