
But that's the thing, it's unpredictable just because. It's a mess of a film, and the fact it tries so hard to be unpredictable and it's Kim-Duk actually makes the whole thing kinda expected and predictable coming from him.

And I'm sorry, but how clueless do you have to be that you don't notice at script stage? How is it that you have to watch the final mix? Of course they didn't.


Funny, I always thought you were from Doggy States Of America.


He didn't just try it, he succeeded.

What happened to Watch This? I miss the suggestions of old classics and underrated films. Now it's all stuff like Unbreakable and Great Expectations. Really disappointing.

I hated this film so fucking much. I don't fucking understand how he won Venice with this shit. Michael Mann is crazy.

Yes, since you have 15 tvs.

This whole court is out of order!

Yes, we needs several close-up of him wearing that jeans!

The 8 + 1

Robin Williams is just way, way too zany in that trailer for me. And SMG doesn't seem to get the chance to be funny, which is a problem.

I only liked the trailers for "Mom" and "Intelligence", and even so, I only *like* them. Not excited for them, but they do have potential.

I like that it's basically a spin-off for Josh Holloway's character in Mission: Impossible 4, only he gets the microchip thingy from Chuck too. I like spy shows, hopefully this will be good.

Robin Williams + David E. Kelly. "Manic" will be an euphemism for it.

@avclub-de9878e9d33c60263a094abc94fab3f0:disqus If it was just one of them, I could believe it was just money. But they are both actress, with a somewhat stable career, and in the case of Janney, someone with enough clout to work with anyone she'd like on TV.


I know it's cool to loathe Chuck Lorre and stuff, but I seriously doubt both Anna Faris and Allison Janney would be desperate enough to accept doing a shitty multi-cam on CBS just for money, so there's has to be SOMETHING good about it. It's just too much talent accepting a long term commitment for this to be awful.

I love Todd's love for the word "eroded".