
My mom will be heartbroken. She still thinks she's got a shot with him.

The best Murray is clearly Moving Violations star John Murray.

The Bernie Mac Show holds up as a very solid successor to the Norman Lear sitcoms of the 70s.

Well, this looks way worse than Rush Hours one and two for sure and, at best, on par with three. So, yes.

Lou Reed's solo stuffs nae bad…

Ripple is sadly extinct. Fred Sanford drank the last bottle in 1977.

Is she the one who licked the donuts? Is that how I know of her?

As long as he doesn't try to make the case that Steptoe and Son is superior to Sanford and Son I'll let it pass.

This might be the third or fourth reference to "forest porn" I've seen in the comment section here. For those of us who were adolescents in the pre-internet age finding a tattered copy of Hustler or Oui next to a tree stump was like manna from heaven.

I'd read enough about it beforehand to wisely send my 8 year old off to see Lego Batman with his nana instead while I watched Logan with my pops. That was a good decision and I feel very bad for the uninformed parents who did not do their homework and took their now traumatized kiddies to the extremely head-stabby

Huh. Based on my knowledge of coffee mugs and dorm room prints I thought that guy only did one painting and it was called "The Kiss." Learn something new every day.

More like "drank all the 'well gin' at the dive bar and then they had to close the dive bar."

Wouldn't we call Nolan a bit of an auteur?

Did you sit through that whole thing? You are a brave masochist. I thought Red State was an okay little thriller and even watched the entirety of Tusk but could only last through the first five or so minutes of Yoga Hosers on Netflix before I bailed out.

No way. You can't have a redemption arc for the guy shish-kabobed the most beloved character in the whole saga.

What if it's chunky?

That Oscar was well deserved because it was the guy from Booty Call pretending to be a famous blind person.

John loses for Imagine and Happy Xmas (War is Over) alone.

I remember that. His hair was somehow even worse than Trump's.

A.) Rocky is deservedly a classic that increasingly goofy sequels could not detract from. B.) I've seen better boobies on a perdue chicken.