
Only if it's Prince.

Jerry Vale. No. Wait…Fabian. It's hard to keep up with the youth culture.

I see that "big fluoride" has gotten to you, too!

Hardly. Several cases of Black Death have been reported at Cedar Point. The mayor of Sandusky is sending out a team of flagellates to beg God's forgiveness at this very moment.

I had no idea they were named after some She-Ra thing and not that trackball atari game where the bear in the wizard hat collects gems. I'm profoundly disappointed.

Agreed with this particularly where post is concerned (multiple tracks produced by Tricky!). Has Vespertine dated poorly? I haven't listened to it in a long time but it has a nice wintry feel and instrumentation that seemed pretty timeless.

They should've cast Ruth Gordon's skeleton in the J-Lo role.

Well, yeah, she IS still Jenny from the block.

Maybe it was expired.

Yes, but he only "disowned" it for the purpose of loudly reminding people that he was responsible for a minor thing that happened on the internet once.

Yup. Couldn't have said it better myself.

Pick me up a sixer of Billy Beer while you're over there.

Isn't Clooney their go to guy when they want to froth over "limousine liberals"?

Y'know, we make fun of the Scandinavians for routing their highways around fairy villages but I'm pretty sure that there were magical sprites littering the suburban woods of my youth with old copies of Oui and Cherry.

I'm intrigued by the concept of standalone Star Wars movies and can only hope that they make a dark biopic a la "Bird" about the troubled Jizz Wailers of the Mos Eisley Cantina.

The last thing I saw her in was a small supporting role as a bayou dwelling meth addict in that movie where James Franco is the villain opposite Statham. Man, that was sad.

Eh. At least Pee-Wee Herman got a paycheck out of it at a time when he could really use one.

No, he's throwing the gauntlet down right in front of Don "Hearbeat" Johnson!

That was weird. I went in thinking "I can't name any of his songs but he seemed like a really thoughtful and interesting guy in that Bowling for Columbine segment," and went out thinking "Huh. Marilyn Manson is really intent on spreading the message that he is a bad dude…a bad "6'1!!!" dude…who will cut a drunk

Bluh bluh bluh "hero". Meow meow meow "respect".