
Just saw Monuments Men last weekend. It was a dull slog featuring a great cast who were given nothing to do.

Red State was surprisingly decent for a "ripped from the headlines!" B horror movie helmed by Kevin Smith. This, however, looks very stupid.

There seems to be a surprisingly decent marketing budget; I saw a giant "Tusk" promo display and more than one poster at my local multiplex this week. I shook my head in pity thinking of the poor suckers who will drop good money to go see this…on my way to an opening weekend screening of Dolphin Tale 2.

What a great song. It really encapsulates the frustration of a Sunday,
doesn't it? You wake up in the morning, you've got to read all the
Sunday papers, the kids are running round, you've got to mow the lawn,
wash the car, and you think "Sunday, bloody Sunday!".

It was called World Trade Center right? I'm not terribly ashamed to have forgotten the title.

In my day you could make "farmer's daughter" jokes till the cows came home!

I'm sure that it is a model of taste and restraint compared to Oliver Stone's 9/11 (which I have not seen but can certainly imagine).

Right. Maybe I just don't care for the Greengrass style. Also the weaselly Russian assassin guy in the second one was not at all interesting.

I never watched Flight 93 because the premise struck me as tacky. Is it any good?

You are all wrong. The first one is the least shakiest in the camera hand and the relationship with Run Lola Run is the best part of the whole series.

You're wrong. That's Sam from Freaks and Geeks.

In Sichuan province I saw the skeleton of a panda that Kermit shot. I know very little about Kermit beyond the fact that he apparently went around the world with his father murdering highly endangered animals. This was perhaps in part a consequence of the rage he felt over being called Kermit.


Yes, this is a sad lesson we all learned from the Billy Crystal classic My Giant.

It is not surprising to hear that a droney doom metal album featuring Wisconsin's asshole governor is a "sonic nightmare".

I'm sure he will invest wisely and live within his means as is the wont of all professional athletes.

Bring back Alan Cumming and his crazy take on a German accent!

daiquiri ice from 31 flavors.

Is that the one they remade with Redd Foxx?

Very surprised to see that the "devastating record" is not a Heller pick.