
Here's your reason why:

It zips along at a great clip compared to Thunderballz.

Yes. Dalton's greatest strength is his debonair menace. Imagine any other Bond in his Hot Fuzz role and it doesn't work.

Living Daylights is one of my favorites and Dalton should have gotten another chance. It wasn't his fault that License to Kill felt like a crappy Tom Clancy movie.

I turned Mamma Mia off about 30 minutes in. I say this as someone who loves Under the Tuscan Sun and also loves the one where Russell Crowe has a romance at Albert Finney's winery.

The Grandma's legs melt in lava. That alone ranks it above the dangerous magma movie with Tommy Lee Jones.

That is a quality list although you are courting controversy with On Her Majesty's Secret Service.

Top ten because of Boris and Ivana Getontoppa or whatever she was called. I'll go no higher.

Viva Rock Vegas is superior. Barney Rubble is the role that Stephen Baldwin was born to play.

It's no Barkley's Shut Up and Jam Gaiden, that's for damn sure.

A shame that Depp can't make Terry Gilliam's Don Quixote movie happen but he can get this moving.

I don't know that he was necessarily did any great injustice to the talent of Joey Lauren Adams.

They'd do wonders for their image if if they threw a few million towards wacky stunts like that every now and then.

That other little caucasian girl made big headlines by doing a butt shake dance thing. She just wants a piece of that lucrative market!

Upvoted for correct and slightly obscure reference to American ethnic enclaves in the rust belt.

I know he has some amazing stuff in his catalog but he made "Wonderful Tonight" so I don't want to hear any of it.

He was always a jerk though.

I largely agree but never cared for Eric Clapton no matter what he was doing. Also, I unabashedly love the 1980s output of Phil Collins. His vocals on Against All Odds have great emotional content.

Sting, Bryan Adams and Rod Stewart. I remember reading an article somewhere in which the author asked "Has there ever been a greater waste of talent than Rod Steward?" That question has long haunted me.

Whoah. Because Dylan TOLD us it was all blowin' in the wind maaaaan.