
I read it as Robert Rodriguez and it seemed way out of character for him.

This is one of the few nice places to have grown up conversations on the internet so lighten up with the outrage would you please?

Snowden was his watergate and he's gonna ride that wave for all its worth.

Maybe he's forgetting that time Snowden stood up with Pussy Riot and was beaten down by Cossacks.

Thank you. You have grasped the essence of my mildly stated and generalized critique of a particular worldview that seems to me to be present in the writings of both men. I am publicly proclaiming my superiority to one of our last worthy public intellectuals. For the record I am also much better than Gore Vidal.

He is a gutsy investigative journalist and also a very smart man. On the other hand some of his foreign policy stuff does go a bit far in the Noam Chomsky "If America's doing it then it is wrong, if someone is doing something that displeases America they are right" direction for my taste. I think the Brits love that

Godzilla vs. the Smog Monster! When it comes to alerting the people about the dangers of pollution Greenpeace has got nothing on Godzilla.

I know they already did a Ray Wise random roles but they should bring him back to chat some more just because the presence of Ray Wise makes everything more entertaining.

Poor Ghidorah doesn't even have those little stubby t-rex arms. How is he supposed to push the shopping cart around?

What a great trailer. Japan's most square jawed and brylcreemy astromen are once again called upon to deliver exposition and kill time between monster fights!

She does a good job of making the character in Living Daylights believable too (except for the cello case chase bit). You really buy that she's this cellist probably from an old central/eastern European family that everything went south for after the war so she's still got a proper old world sophistication about her.

Yep. And then the pendulum swung in the other direction and we got Golden Eye at best and every other Brosnan movie at worst.

I think I will. I'm basing my harsh initial perception on some NPR bit that I half paid attention to.

"I FIG-YERED YOU"D COWER BEHIN" THAT BRITISH VULTURE WELLINGTON! HAW! HAW!" ——Joe Don Baker to James Bond, 007, The Living Daylights

***Fixes @avclub-022199896b1f52952c180b60caa681bd:disqus with cold stare****
"Hot Fuzz lines is what REALLY killed Jim Morrison in that Paris bathtub so many years ago MAAAN."
***Thunder crashes in the distance****

It's good to know our friends in the U.K. get to watch Judge Judy as well. She does NOT suffer fools gladly.

That Penny Dreadful thing looks like some sort of Alan Moore rip-off thing that came along 5+ years to late to be fashionable. That being said Timothy Dalton's presence has me 1000% more interested than I'd otherwise have been.

Amen! I've been preaching the gospel of The Living Daylights for years. Dalton has a great mix of charm and menace in the role (man do I wish he'd gotten more than two bites at the old 007 apple!). The sister from the Wonder Years's sister was the foxiest bond girl ever. Also, you get Sallah AND Joe Don Baker,

It sounds like a Castlevania title.